講座名: Building Listening and Comprehension Skills(中級)
講座番号: A0110



Building Listening and Comprehension Skills(中級)【英語】



20 名
27,300 円
語学 英語


この講座では、英語の「聞く(理解)力」と「話す力」を養います。If you want to improve your English abilities, this course can help. This Fall term, we’ll do four more news stories similar to the stories we did in “News Tapes” books 1, 1B, 2, and 3. Each student will receive a CD containing the four stories. In class, you’ll receive an A3-sized copy of the two transcription pages of an assigned story. Most of the words in the story are missing. At home, transcribe it (listen to the story and fill in the blanks with the words you hear), then bring the paper to class the following week. Through this individual listening and transcription work at home and group discussion and pair work in class, you’ll have plenty of practice listening and speaking. It’s a great way to build vocabulary, improve listening comprehension, and reinforce good grammar, pronunciation, intonation, and spelling.








開講年月日 講義内容
1 2024/09/19 Discuss major news stories of the past few months, then hand out CDs and copies of transcription pages for Story 6, “A Heroic Hug.”
2 2024/09/26 Discuss events and news stories of the past week, listen to transcriptions of Story 6, hand out copies of Part A (Transcription), Part B (Key Words and Vocabulary), Part C (Comprehension) and Part D (Discussion), begin going over vocabulary in the story.
3 2024/10/03 Discuss events and news stories of the past week, finish going over “A Heroic Hug” vocabulary, do Part C (Comprehension) in pairs.
4 2024/10/10 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; go over Story 6 Discussion questions 1-3. Hand out transcription pages for Story 7, “O-M-G.”
5 2024/10/17 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; go over transcriptions for Story 7, hand out pages for Parts A to D, begin going over vocabulary in Parts A and B.
6 2024/10/24 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; finish going over “O-M-G” story and vocabulary in Parts A and B, do Part C, Comprehension, in pairs.
7 2024/11/07 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; do Discussion questions 1-3; review vocabulary in Story 2 and 3. Hand out transcription pages for Story 8, “Instant Karma.”
8 2024/11/14 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; listen to transcriptions of Story 8, “Instant Karma,” begin going over Key Words and Vocabulary in Part B.
9 2024/11/28 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; continue going over Key Words and Vocabulary for Story 8. Do Comprehension, Part C, in pairs.
10 2024/12/05 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; review Story 8, do Discussion, Part D, questions 1 to 3. Hand out transcription pages for Story 9, “Flat Earthers.”
11 2024/12/12 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; listen to transcriptions of Story 9, hand out copies of Parts A to D, begin going over Vocabulary in story.
12 2024/12/19 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; review Story 9, do Part C, Comprehension, in pairs.
13 2025/01/09 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; do Part D, Discussion, questions 1 to 3.
14 2025/01/16 Discuss events and news stories of the past week; continue Discussion on “Flat Earthers,” review vocabulary from Stories 6 to 9.


MCCLURE, Leighton Byron

I was born in Chicago (Illinois, U.S.A.) and grew up in one of its suburbs. I spent three years in the U.S. Marine Corps, then entered and graduated from Southern Illinois University with bachelor’s degrees in Broadcasting and Journalism and a minor in Japanese. I have taught English in Japan for more than 26 years. I live in Matsudo and like to play tennis on Sundays and go bowling at least once a week.

